
Brilliant Teachers at Sunarisa Speaking School!

Miss Chelsi

Hey everyone! I'm Miss Chelsi, and I absolutely love meeting new people! From hosting birthday parties and weddings to leading and moderating university meetings, my experiences have made me passionate about sharing stories and information in fun and creative ways. I used to be really shy, so I understand how tough it can be to speak in front of others.

Now, I'm here to help you gain confidence too! With Sunarisa, I can't wait to see you grow into the best and most confident version of yourself. Let's make this journey amazing together!

Miss Alma

Hi, hi, hi! My career as a professional MC started in high school and has continued to grow by participating in various events like Abang None & Campus Ambassador, as well as speaking in several public speaking classes. From birthday parties to weddings, and from classrooms to boardrooms, my experiences are diverse and exciting!

I believe public speaking can open up many experiences and opportunities in our lives. Many problems around us arise from poor communication. Public speaking is an essential soft skill needed in almost every profession today. So, learning it early is the right step. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s learn how to be confident at Sunarisa Speaking School! 

Miss Sarah

Heya everyone! I grew up quite timid because I preferred to communicate through writing, but everything changed when the public speaking world encouraged me to become a child radio co-host in Radio Swaranusa Bahagia. Before I knew it, I faced panelists from National University of Singapore in the final round of a business pitch competition. Last but not least, I became an MC for an initiation and welcoming event for new students in my university, i3L. 

If given the chance, anyone could speak publicly and confidently. When I graduated elementary school, I delivered a speech in English for the first time! I've overcome my struggles, now it's your turn to speak and shine with Sunarisa!

Miss Wida

Hey there! I’m your go-to hype person for all the coolest parties and events, both near and far! I’ve been rocking the mic at national and international shindigs since 2022, and I’m also a familiar voice on the radio waves. But guess what? My journey into the world of public speaking started way back in high school! From then on, I’ve been sharing my passion for becoming a pro at public speaking since 2019.

And hey, if you’re feeling inspired to join in on the fun and become a superstar speaker yourself, why not check out our amazing public speaking classes for kids? We’ve got all sorts of awesome activities and tips to help you shine on stage and off. So let’s keep the energy high, the smiles big, and the fun vibes flowing! 

Miss Febe

Hi kiddos! It's Miss Febe! Speaking in public may not be easy for everyone. You may feel nervous and don't know what to say. Just standing and looking at the audience may have made you feel overwhelmed! I feel you! You're not alone!

I have been helping many kids overcome their fear to speak in public. Being a teacher for young learners more than 5 years, has helped me a lot in understanding many different characters and personalities of kids. And I am here to help you to reach your speaking journey! Can't wait to see you at Sunarisa! :)

Miss Gita

Hey there, awesome kiddos! I'm Gita, your friendly neighborhood radio host and speaking superhero! For over 15 years, I've been on a mission to help kids like you rock the mic and speak with confidence. Think of me as your personal cheerleader, here to pump you up and show you just how amazing your voice can be. 

Together, we'll turn self-confidence into our superpower, flexing those vocal muscles and owning the spotlight like pros. From mastering speeches to wowing the crowd as an MC, there's no limit to what we can achieve when we unleash our inner rockstars. So, buckle up, because this journey is going to be one epic adventure filled with laughs, learning, and loads of fun. Let's crank up the volume and get ready to rock the mic!

Miss Marissa

Hey there! Ever since I was a little kid, I've been rocking the mic and entertaining crowds. And guess what? I've had some seriously awesome conversations with big shots from all walks of life—CEOs, politicians, you name it! Who would've thought that one brave move could open so many doors to amazing opportunities?

As a bilingual MC, host, and all-around speaking champ, I've learned that mastering public speaking is like unlocking a treasure chest—it's never too late or too early to start digging in! So, are you ready to embark on your own speaking adventure and take that first bold step with me? Let's do this! Catch you in my class at Sunarisa, where we'll turn those nerves into applause! 🌟

Miss Bonita

Hey there! I stepped into the dazzling world of public speaking back in '98 and have been rocking the mic as an MC, Host, Moderator, Trainer, Coach, Guest Speaker, and Main Speaker at events around the globe. Picture this: I once took center stage at Indonesia's Ministry of Finance event, rubbing shoulders with the amazing Ibu Sri Mulyani!

I'm on a mission to turn public speaking into a thrilling ride. I believe it's not just about acing exams; it's the key to molding our youngsters into future Indonesian Leaders with killer visions, off-the-charts missions, and the charisma to light up any room. Ready to crank up the volume on success? ✨ 

Miss Dinda

Hello Sunrisers! I want everyone to know that speaking up is a blast, not just for the super smart! Right now, I'm hooked on English debates. They're thrilling and tricky. I've scooped up loads of medals, and guess what? Now I'm running the show as president of the debate club. Let's make speeches totally awesome and full of fun! 

I totally adore hanging out with kids! Back in my school days, I used to share some awesome tips about speaking up confidently with my younger pals. I can't wait to do the same with the Sunrisers because, hey, I truly believe you guys are the future superstars! Let's have some serious fun while we learn and grow together! 

Miss Ayu

Hello students! My name is Masayu Putri. I’m a professional public speaker. I’ve been in this industry for more than 12 years. Starting my career as a News Anchor and Journalist at Kompas TV, iNews TV MNC Media and Pikiran Rakyat Media Network.

Excited to help kids express themselves, connect, and make a splash! At Sunarisa Speaking School, we're all about creating a cool space where kids boost their confidence and become awesome communicators. Let's empower tomorrow's leaders through public speaking! Can't wait to share my journey with all my students!  🎤

Miss Cintya

Hello! I'm a communication studies major and have worked as a professional MC for national and international events since 2021. I've been passionate about public speaking since primary school, winning several national competitions in speech, storytelling, and debate. I also have experience as a news anchor, radio announcer, and voice-over talent.

Ever experienced stage fright during public speaking? That's what motivated me to learn and turn it into something enjoyable. Mastering public speaking brings numerous opportunities and advantages. I can't wait to share my experiences with you, Sunrisers!

Miss Intan

Hello, fellow public speaking enthusiast! 😍 I'm known as Miss Intan. Started in 2013 as a Master of Ceremony, now active in various roles like university lecturer, moderator, and community mentor. I also earned recognition as a Certified Public Speaker (CPS) from the Indonesian Professional Speaker Association (IPSA) and The National Professional Certification Agency Republic of Indonesia (BNSP RI).

I firmly believe in nurturing children's innate talents and motivation to express ideas in public. With dedicated practice, public speaking can be a lifelong asset for their career success. Let's unlock your best public speaking potential!

Miss Gaby

I am an influencer as well as an MBA graduate who have passion in public speaking. I won several public speaking competition such as ESC and FLS2N, that's why I can't wait to share my experience with you! 

Moreover, I exceptionally love children. I have been actively sharing some tips to my juniors back in my school regarding public speaking. I look forward to share my knowledge with Sunrisers because I believe the future is on the children’s hand. 

Miss Owi

With experience in winning national competition such as Newscasting Competition by Telkom University and Kalbis Institute Jakarta, participating in a diverse range of public speaking events, and being a storytelling teacher for kids, my journey has reinforced my belief that public speaking is not just a skill; it's a gateway to success in every facet of life.

I believe that helping young minds how to communicate means helping them to articulate their ideas, connect with others, and make positive changes. I'm dedicated to create a caring and creative place for kids, where they can grow their self-esteem and start a journey to be a great communicators. Together with Sunarisa Speaking School, I'm excited to empower future leaders with their public speaking skills!

Miss Deana

Hello, everyone! I am an English Linguistics graduate who has been teaching English for children and teens. During my  school and college period, I often participated and won several Storytelling and News Reading competitions. I also actively participated in Model United Nations.

I am really passionate about Public Speaking as I think it is one of the most important skills to have. Therefore, I want to encourage my students to also be confident when speaking publicly!

Miss Ester

In 2018, I started my carrier in the public speaking space as a TV Host at Riau Television (RTV). I found joy in sharing my public speaking experiences. Hence, I furthered my career as a public speaking mentor in 2019 at various learning institutions. Since the past 7 years, I have been trusted to serve as MC, Host, Moderator at national and international events, seminars, conferences, and focus group discussions.

I am excited to teach and inspire kids-teens on how to become amazing public speakers. I love what I do because I believe that empowering children with public speaking skills at a young age sets them ready for great achievements in school, career and life at large. Learning public speaking means learning to prepare yourself to be a star where all eyes will be on you.

Miss Fitri

Saya berpengalaman selama 6 tahun dalam public speaking dengan profesi News Anchor/TV Presenter/ Reporter di MNC TV dan INews, MC, Penyiar Radio, dan Mentor Public Speaking. 

Belajar teknik public speaking seperti self branding sejak kecil dapat lebih membantu anak untuk berani berbicara dan percaya diri serta memudahkan mereka untuk menemukan jati diri sesuai dengan passionnya. Maka dari itu, penting sekali bagi anak untuk belajar Public Speaking sejak kecil.

Miss Diha

Haiii !! Saya Madiha berawal dari mengikuti berbagai kompetisi public speaking, menjadi talent host dan voice over di salah satu youtube edukasi channel, hingga sampai saat ini saya menjadi professional MC event dan Voice Over Talent. 

Peranan public speaking sejak dini itu PENTING BANGET! Kalau anak merasa malu ngomong di depan umum, takut untuk menyampaikan ide, cepet tidak fokus, tidak banyak bisa berinteraksi dan banyak hal lainnya. Itu pertanda, penting bagi anak untuk dilatih public speakingnya sejak usia dini. 

Lao Shi Jesslyn

I have studied Mandarin for more than 10 years and have experience in teaching Kindergarten & Elementary students.  I have passed HSK 6 and TOCFL at C1 level with high marks.  

Mandarin is a very important language. However, many children struggle learning this language. That's why we use interactive and experiential learning methods with stories and games so that students can more easily and quickly understand and remember what they have learned.  Let's learn Mandarin the fun way with me! 我在课堂上等你们喔!

Miss Jo

As an entrepreneur and influencer, I love sharing my ideas to the world. That's why, I studied abroad in 5 different countries : USA, Swiss, France, China and Indonesia to learn and gain experience about communication skills particularly in child development. 

My life changed since I learn how to present myself in front of people. This convinces me that public speaking is the key to success and thus, the earlier children learn speaking and leadership skills, the better equipped they will be in the future.

Miss Fitrini

Nama saya Fitrini Chow, berpengalaman selama 5 tahun dalam bidang Public Speaking yaitu sebagai coach untuk anak dan perusahaan serta MC untuk acara-acara.

Merasa minder saat sekolah dulu, justru membuat saya ingin belajar Public Speaking. Hingga saat ini saya akhirnya bisa menjadi inspirator dan mentor public speaking. Inilah yang membuat saya ingin mengajarkan anak-anak agar mereka percaya diri. Mari investasikan skill Public Speaking anak sejak dini. "Never stop learning because life never stops teaching."